Oak Ridge Volunteer Fire Department
Serving the Residents of South Fayette Township since 1956
Required Clearances
In accordance with applicable laws, all members and prospective members must submit two or three clearance documents [2014 Act 153 § 6344 (b) (1-3)] at time of application and every 60 months (5 years) thereafter.
Clearance Documentation Requirements
Pennsylvania State Criminal Act 34
The website to register is https://epatch.pa.gov/home
Complete the online application (Please be sure to select volunteer)
Save and e-mail the result to clearance-submit@oakridgevfd.com
Pennsylvania Child Abuse Act 151
Apply online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS
Create a log in
Retain your log in information for future use
You will receive notification via e-mail when your clearance check has been completed
Login to the CWIS website to save your clearance document.
Forward the clearance to clearance-submit@oakridgevfd.com
Affidavit -or- Pennsylvania Act 114 FBI Fingerprinting
If you have lived in Pennsylvania for the last 10 consecutive years:
Print, sign and return to the Fire Department Secretary https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Resources/Documents/Disclosure%20Statement%20for%20Volunteers.pdf
If you have NOT lived in Pennsylvania for the last 10 consecutive years:
The website to register is https://uenroll.identogo.com/ it is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week. You will need to enter code 1KG6ZJ
Telephonic registration is available at 1-844-321-2101 Monday through Friday, 8am to 6pm EST.
Choose a location to have your fingerprints electronically scanned. You can find locations at https://www.IdentoGO.com/locations The recommendation from the company is to make an appointment.
There is a fee for the FBI clearance which will NOT be reimbursed by the department. You will make your payment when your fingerprints are scanned. Please note; no cash or personal checks are accepted.
You will need to provide your UEID (Universal Enrollment ID) code to the fire department.
You MUST take a photo ID with you.
If you have questions, you may contact IdentoGO at (855) 845-7436 or (844) 321-2101
You will receive your clearance via e-mail. Forward the clearance to clearance-submit@oakridgevfd.com
Clearances MUST be renewed at least every five years (60 months). Reminders will be sent via e-mail by the Fire Department Secretary bi-annually (January/June) for anyone with a clearance expiring in the following six (6) months.
If a volunteer is arrested for or convicted of an offense that would constitute grounds for denying participation in a program, activity or service, or is named as a perpetrator in a founded or indicated report, the volunteer MUST provide the Fire Department President with written notice not later than 72 hours after the arrest, conviction or notification that the person has been listed as a perpetrator in the statewide database.